Project Director: Andrew Ütt
Andrew Ütt, is a curator and arts administrator with a bachelor’s degree from the California College of Arts and Crafts and is a candidate for a master’s degree in Museum Studies from Harvard University Extension School. He has been working in the arts for the past fifteen years and has worked with different schools, galleries and museums based in California, Argentina, and Colombia. In 2009, he co-curated an international video art festival, VIBA Festival, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the first of its kind in the city. In 2010, he began Galería MÜ in Bogotá, the first gallery dedicated solely to fine-art photography in Colombia. Since returning to the US in 2015, he has worked with the San Diego Art Institute in San Diego. He currently works at Aira, a visual interpretation service in La Jolla, California.
Seeking volunteers! Contact us for more information: info (a)